November 2019 – Fine Arts Office Updates
Alysia’s Corner
In mid-October, I spent a day in Kent County with the arts educator team earlier this month. We shared our best strategies for Student Engagement – everything from concept-driven creative work to investing in student relationships to creating extensions into the community. We kicked off the session snowballing to build a shared definition of Student Engagement in arts classroom. The end result reads like a manifesto – expressing everything that makes teaching and learning in the arts exciting and vibrant. I invite you to read it and share it!
In November, I have some exciting #AlysiaVisits planned throughout the state. Here are a few:
11/14: Guest Conductor of the St. Mary’s County Public Schools Honors Elementary Chorus concert
11/15: School Visits in Calvert County Public Schools with Christie Cook, CCPS Fine Arts Supervisor
11/22: Featured Panelist at ArtsLab 2019 with Quanice Floyd of AEMS and Tara Holl of TAMA
Alysia takes a moment to celebrate with LTYC’s Executive Director, Dana Carr, LTYC staff, and students
LTYC Celebrates 15 Years!
Thank you Leaders for Tomorrow Youth Center for the invitation to give a keynote at their Annual Partner Luncheon on Oct 15th at Baltimore Center Stage. LTYC supports youths, ages 5-18, in the state of Maryland with arts programs that empower them to excel in the arts, academics, and social development. LTYC celebrates 15 years of building higher self-esteem and self-worth in young people who are yearning for success. Congratulations on a successful event and 15 years of service and success!
Professional Development with KCPS Fine Arts Educators
Alysia facilitated a day-long, county-wide Fine Arts professional development session with the energized Kent County Public Schools arts team focused on student engagement. To begin the day, the team collaborated on a shared definition of student engagement in arts classrooms. See their statement below!
Photo by Robyn Harold, MemoriesbyRobyn Photography
By invitation of the U.S. Department of Education, Alysia presented an interactive workshop exploring The Arts and Equity at the Arts in Education (AIE) 2019 Conference. The conference brought together grantee teams from all three AIE grant programs – Assistance for Arts Education Development and Dissemination (AAEDD), Arts Education National Program (AENP), and Professional Development for Arts Educators (PDAE) – for two days to share best practices and discuss current topics of interest across programs.
Upcoming Opportunities
“I Voted” Sticker Art Competition
Maryland P-12 student artists compete to design a new voting polls sticker for Elections in 2020.
Help us choose the 2020 Maryland voting stickers! Public voting opens Tuesday, November 5th!
Vote for your favorite designs for the 2020 Maryland voting sticker from 11/5 - 11/15!
The winning designers will receive a $100 gift card for new arts supplies. Their art teacher will receive $500 to purchase art supplies or equipment for their designated school or community art program. For more information or to vote for your favorite design, visit
“SO many ideas from technique to choreography to performance to community were renewed and refreshed for me. I am truly inspired.” – a #MDMasterclass participant
The 2019 Maryland Masterclass
On October 25-26, the Fine Arts Office and partners presented the second annual Maryland Masterclass Series workshop Dance: Ballet Hispánico, a two-day professional development training for Maryland’s dance educators and community dance instructors. All sessions were led by Eduardo Vilaro, the Artistic Director and CEO of the internationally acclaimed, Ballet Hispánico.
The event was a beautiful, artful weekend! The cohort of dance educators spent two days devising and exploring with our masterful Master Artist, Mr. Vilaro. The culminating community sharing featured the workshop participants on stage.
Fortunately, we were able to document the weekend with video and photography – stay tuned for the official gallery!
Photo by Robyn Harold, MemoriesbyRobyn Photography
Festival Updates
2020 Best of Maryland Arts Education Festival
Photo by Lexi Danielson, edited by Robyn Harold of MemoriesbyRobyn Photography.
Save the Date!
The 3rd annual Best of Maryland Arts Education Festival is April 17, 2020 in the Mt. Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland.
Registration for the 3rd #BOMAEF will open December 1, 2019. Registration is open to individual high school students and high school groups in creative writing, dance, instrumental music, media art, theatre, vocal music, and visual art. Check for updates at
New Flyer!
Click here to download the 2020 Best of Maryland Arts Education Festival Flyer!
Email a copy to your teachers, print them to hang in your classroom, give a copy to your students!