April 2020 Fine Arts Office Updates
Alysia’s Corner
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers
In the last few weeks, while there has been so much uncertainty, there has also been incredible generosity.
All around the world, artists are opening their homes for live-streamed performances, leading dance classes on Zoom, and using arts challenges to keep us painting, singing, and writing.
In Maryland, the statewide network of Fine Arts Supervisors have shared resources, lessons learned, and advice as they prepare to support students, teachers, and families in the weeks ahead. Community arts partners have liberally shared resources and offered support to school systems and the public without hesitation.
The Fine Arts Office is always here as a resource and support for the arts education community. As you read over this month’s newsletter, look for the helpers! They truly are everywhere.
Alysia Lee, Fine Arts Coordinator
Maryland State Department of Education
The Fine Arts Office team is sharing their creativity during COVID-19 on social media this week.
Alysia Lee
Last week I tried my first online show with my home theatre, Baltimore Improv Group. It was so fun to get my improv skills sharp and keep making art while I am social distancing at home. Looking forward to performing with my team, Sneaker Wave in the schedule of online shows and maybe taking an online class. https://www.bigimprov.org/
I have been hosting Online Community Sing-Alongs with Sister Cities Girlchoir. The song and dance breaks are open to all ages and family-friendly. Chorus America featured the sing-along and other Creative Community Singing Outlets in the Face of COVID-19 in a recent article. https://www.chorusamerica.org/node/13531
Emily Cory
I’m encouraged by all of the creativity our world is using to navigate this unprecedented time. I have felt comfort and connection by making art more of a daily priority. From online voice lessons, playing around with oil paint (a first!), to finally consuming some plays and literature that were gifted to me months ago, and returning to some inspiring resources – I am trying to fill each day with a bit of ART. Increasing the amount of time I dedicate to art-making and the consumption of art is a practice I would like to carry into a post COVID world.
“When things go haywire, your best opening strategy might be to return - very carefully and cautiously - to (artists) habits and practices.” – Art & Fear
Lillian Jacobson
Well, my email inbox has never been more organized :) Lately I’ve been feeling as if I’m not being productive enough, so I’d like to remind myself and everyone reading this that we are all doing the best we can right now. This is a stressful time and it’s OK for us to take a break to catch up on reading, take some Duolingo courses, and hopefully reconnect with our art. I was able to finish one painting (pictured right) and have about 5 others in progress that I look forward to working on a little each day (one work in progress is pictured below).
I’ve also been finding comfort rewatching some of my favorite shows and movies. If you’re looking for something other than Tiger King to watch, I recommend the Olafur Eliasson episode of Abstract: The Art of Design (and really, all of the episodes) and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse (the most gorgeous animation I’ve seen + a killer soundtrack) – both on Netflix!
My artwork can be seen on Instagram at @lillian_jacobson
Oil on canvas work in progress.
Collected and color-coordinated, but still not at ease. Try polishing them more. Lillian Jacobson, Oil on Canvas, 14” x 11”, 2020
Adanna Johnson
During this strange time we are living in, I’ve been keeping busy with painting a self portrait, viewing Architectural Digest homes and interviews, and taking the time to recalibrate. This is a change for us all and is a perfect time to truly regroup and make plans for what could possibly be next post-COVID. It’s a new world we are entering, so let’s do our best to make it a better one! What’s keeping me going is the thought of how transformative of a time this is. We can use our talents to uplift and keep others inspired! We all have a choice and I’m choosing to not give into the hysteria.
I wish everyone good health and safety in these times.
More of my art can be seen on Instagram at @adannasgallery
Mareh Smith
Everyone is having a hard time as a result of the current global crisis we are in. To deal with the stress I have turned to family, exercise, and art to keep my mental health up. Being at home gives me the perfect opportunity to really focus on my art, refine my skills and make more pieces than I would have ever found the time to on my own. I find myself experimenting and playing around in my sketchbook, really just exploring the limits of different mediums, whilst laying down the basis for some paintings. I am currently working to complete a series titled "A Deeper Darker Look."
You can see my artwork on Instagram at @mareh_smith_arts