September 2019 – Fine Arts Office Updates
"I used to think assessment had to be a specific, graded test, but now I think I can incorporate assessment into my everyday classroom routines to further student learning." – Music Educator
A great session— led by Fine Arts Coordinator Alysia Lee—was delivered to all eight secondary music educators in Dorchester County and 64 Baltimore City Public Schools' music educators on the power of formative assessment to increase musical learning! Thank you for the invitation Theresa Connors and Chan’nel Howard! #alysiavisits
Upcoming Opportunities
“I Voted” Sticker Art Competition
Maryland P-12 student artists compete to design a new
voting polls sticker for Elections in 2020
Submissions accepted from September 15-October 15, 2019
The winning designers will receive a $100 gift card for new arts supplies. Their art teacher will receive $500 to purchase art supplies or equipment for their designated school or community art program. For more information visit,
Festival Updates
2020 Best of Maryland Arts Education Festival
Save the Date!
The 3rd annual Best of Maryland Arts Education Festival is April 17, 2020 in the Mt. Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland.
Registration for the 3rd #BOMAEF will open this fall! Registration is open to individual high school students and high school groups in creative writing, dance, instrumental music, media art, theatre, vocal music, and visual art. Check for updates at
New Flyer!
Click here to download the 2020 Best of Maryland Arts Education Festival Flyer!
Email a copy to your teachers, print them to hang in your classroom, give a copy to your students!