crayon relief print of leaf textures


Arts Education

Discipline-specific teaching and learning, using the creative process to inspire products based upon selected concepts while emphasizing technical proficiency.

Arts Integration

An interdisciplinary teaching practice through which non-arts and arts content is taught and assessed equitably in order to deepen students’ understanding of both.

Source: Arts Ed NEW JERSEY

Certified Arts Educators

A career commitment to and accountability for the delivery of sequential, standards-based arts curriculum.

Certified Non-Arts Educators

A career commitment to and accountability for the delivery of sequential, standards-based non-arts content areas.

Teaching Artist

A career commitment to deep expertise in an arts specialty, connecting real-world practice to arts standards and the classroom.

Dance is a kinesthetic art form that satisfies the human need to respond to life experiences through movement of the physical being.

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education


Media Arts

Media Arts is a technology-driven art form that satisfies the human need to to tell stories and explore ideas through communications, technologies, and digital formats.  

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education

Media Arts uses creative technologies for artistic purposes.

General Concepts:

  • Media Arts is the creative use of communications technologies to tell stories and explore concepts for diverse purposes and audiences.

  • Artistic use of digital media arts makes shared stories engaging, personal and emotional.

  • Media Arts is the deliberate use of creative technologies to communicate concepts for artistic purposes and audiences.

  • Using creative technologies, Media Arts is the exploration through the creative process to communicate concepts for artistic purposes and audiences.

  • Audience experiences meaning through the use of creative technologies for artistic purposes and audience experience.

Music is an aural art form that satisfies the human need to respond to life experiences through singing, listening and/or playing an instrument.

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education


Theatre is an interdisciplinary art form that satisfies the human need to express thoughts and feelings through written text, dramatic interpretation and multimedia production.

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education


Visual Art is a spatial art form that satisfies the human need to respond to life experiences through images, structures and tactile works.

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education

It is defined by the National Art Education Association to include the traditional fine arts, such as, drawing , painting, printmaking, photography, and sculpture; media arts, such as, animation, video and emerging digital technologies; design, such as, communication, product, and interactive; environmental, such as, architecture, landscape architecture, interior and urban planning; conceptual, performance, participatory, street, and folk arts and works of art in clay, glass, metal, wood, fiber, paper and other materials.

Visual Art