rainbow abstract artwork

2018-2019 Conference presentations



●      LSI National Formative Assessment Conference, conference presenter

LSI Dylan Williams National Formative Assessment Conference
Baltimore, MD
July 30, 2018

The Power of Formative Assessment: Unleashing Creativity and Artistic Technique
Presentation Team: Alysia Lee with Dr. Lillian Pailen, Judith Hawkins, Dana Carr, and Tamara Mills
The session explores formative assessment practices in arts classrooms that support students in elevating their artistic processes and products through descriptive feedback. Formative assessment strategies across art forms (dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts) and grade levels will be presented. Student work accompanied by examples of teacher feedback at various points in the learning cycle leading to artistic products will be explored.

●      2019 Arts Education Policy Briefing, moderator
Arts Education Partnership and Americans for the Arts


●      Creative Conversations presented by Maryland State Arts Council; conference presenter

●      ArtsLab 2018 presented by the Maryland Citizens for the Arts; keynote speaker

●      Maryland Music Educators Association Conference; conference presenter

Community Art Projects or Community Partnerships [in tech room] [Connecting student art making to their community is standards-driven, improves engagement and compounds learning and application. Explore a framework for building community arts projects specifically for Music Educators. Real-world examples and tools will be provided. February 1, 2019

●      Maryland Theatre Educators Association Conference; keynote speaker

●      Maryland Arts Summit, Creative Keynote Presenter